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  • Writer's pictureMount Brydges Magic Blades

A heartfelt thank you!

Today has been overwhelmingly wonderful and makes be so truly happy to be able to give back to those that were my lifeline throughout those early days.

As many of you know I am continually overwhelmed by the constant support of myself and my family as we journey through this new life without Doug and Avery. Thank you each and everyone of you for being here today. It means so much to me.

A big round of applause for Echo Valley golf club, Kitchen staff, and Lauren for hosting our friends and family! I would like to thank you all for making today a wonderful day.

To the volunteers that helped out with anything that was asked, we greatly appreciate your ALL your help

To the Magic Blades committee, Heather, Nicole, Kate Kristie and Kim plus Carl and Ashley that kept asking me to do this, I just want to thank you for all the hard work you have put in to organize this event, you are all amazing and I appreciate your dedication to myself and our synchro skaters.

Finally, thank you to all the wonderful friends and family that golfed here today. I hope you had a fantastic day and evening and I appreciate your support for this very special event.

To the most amazing sponsors big and small I cannot find the words to thank you for your generous donations! I am amazed by this community time after time.

Today I am able to share that I am so grateful for the life I spent with Doug and the 13 years with my beautiful Avery brought me such joy. Although it was not the amount of time I wanted I am so lucky to have what time I was given.

During my journey at the hospital, the LHSC family of doctors and nurses became to hold a very special place in my heart.

The hospital staff that took my family in and treated us with the greatest care will be forever in my heart. During the 45 day journey with LHSC we received Support by so many staff not just for Doug but for my entire family. Today I get to say thank you LHSC because of all your support of the first annual Avery and Doug memorial golf tourney. Avery would also be thrilled to know that her Magic Blades synchro family will receive in her honour as well.

This journey that I didn’t choose will never end but I have been given a level of support that I could not imagined! Today and always I will continue to live life grateful for the blessings I have and pay it forward to those who need it next!

Thank you for attending my event it means the world to me.

And finally from my very wise 13 year old Avery, a quote that she drew a beautiful picture of and the message is for everyone…

Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light. Thank you for standing in the light with me!!

Chrissy Kernaghan

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